9:00 pm (MT) Sunday marked the end of my 48 hour book challenge. How did it go?
Total time reading: 25 hours, 48 minutes
Total time blogging: 1 hour, 55 minutes
Total time networking: 2 hours, 35 minutes
Total hours: 29 hours, 18 minutes
Total pages: 3724 (and 111 minutes of audio book)
Total books read: 18
Books read but not finished during 48HBC: 1 (Something Like Fate)
List of Books Finished During 48HBC
Robot Dreams by Sara Varon
My Life, the Theater and Other Tragedies by Allen Zadoff
Murder She Wrote: Skating on Thin Ice by Donald Bain
I'm Kind of a Big Deal by Stefani Wilder-Taylor
Between Here and Forever by Elizabeth Scott
All The Things You Are by Courtney Sheinmel
He's So Not Worth It by Kieran Scott
Koko Be Good by Jen Wang
The Unsinkable Walker Bean by Aaron Renier
What I Wore by Jessica Quirk
And Both Were Young by Madeline L'Engle
Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers
Science Fair Season by Judy Dutton
Wheels of Change by Sue Macy
Too Bad by Robert Kroetsch
Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti
Watching Jimmy by Nancy Hartry
Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman
I didn't have any plans before entering to figure out a donation amount, but to mark how much I enjoyed this challenge, I have donated $100.00 to the Canadian Red Cross.
As I've said, I didn't have any goals for time spent/books read, but I'm not surprised that I ended up reading/blogging/tweeting for over 29 hours. I have an obsessive personality, and when I get into something, I tend to really get into it. Why, then, (you might ask) was it not 48 hours? I love sleep. And I wanted to challenge myself, but the memories of staying up all night for the Royal Wedding (and how bad I felt after that) are all too fresh in my mind. I'm happy with this. I enjoyed what I was reading. I didn't really blog much as I went aside from updates, but I hope to soon write up reviews for most of the books. I finished some that have been on my "to read" list for a year (and some that I just picked up at the library on Friday). There was fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, middle grade, teen, and adult. I read paper books and ebooks (and although I like book, there is something satisfying about having a stack of books). I read and I read and I read...and now I'm done. For now - I still plan on picking up a book to read before I fall asleep.
Check out the others at the Finish Line.
Yeah, I love sleep too! I couldn't stay up all night. Well, maybe one night if it was 24 hrs, but not two. Great job on your reading!