Monday, January 2, 2012

Faith and the Camp Snob by Jen Jones

 Faith is kind of quiet and shy - not your typical cheerleader! But she's determined to find a place on the cheerleading team. Cheer camp is a perfect opportunity to learn some new skills, practice some cheers, and build her confidence. But some of her teammates aren't acting like good team members; they're playing pranks and embarrassing her. Is Faith strong enough to rise above the snobs and be the best cheerleader she can be?

It's a bit surprising to me that there aren't more cheerleading books out there. It seems like an obvious opportunity for a popular series, but maybe it's thought that young readers (this is suggested for grades 3 and up, ages 8 and up) aren't interested in cheerleading? Faith and the Camp Snob has lots of cheerleading details, but it also has a lot of other relevant content, including fitting in, making new friends, and what it means to be a good team mate and a good sport. There are few parts that made me feel my age (like when Bring it On was referred to as an old classic movie), but that won't be an issue for the intended audience. This is the first book in the Team Cheer series, and it looks like it'll be a good series for young readers who like to read about other graceful and athletic endeavors like dance, gymnastics, ballet, and figure skating.

I read a review copy from NetGalley courtesy of Capstone.

Find it at IndieBound.

Read it with:
Brooke's Quest for Captain by Jen Jones
The Competition for Gaby by Jen Jones
Confessions of a Wannabe Cheerleader by Zoe Evans

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