Friday, March 5, 2010

The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti

Sometimes, late at night, Jade likes to watch the internet feed of the elephant webcam at the zoo near her house. That's where she first sees a young guy with a baby - a guy that she feels will be an important part of her life. With her father barely a presence in her life, her mom being more popular at high school than she is, and panic attacks that threaten her sense of security, this might be something positive that Jade can have in her life. But when she does get to know him, she realizes that a real person comes with a lot more complications than an image on the screen.

It was refreshing to read about a main character who had an interest in something like zoology - it gave Jade depth as a character. I enjoyed the (at times strained) family dynamic that she had with her parents and her younger brother, as well as the brief appearances by other zoo employees. I was curious about Sebastian, the boy with the baby, and while I didn't quite fall for him the way Jade did, I did enjoy the book's journey.

Find it at IndieBound.

Read it with:
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Elephant by Ian Redmond
Hanging on to Max by Margaret Bechard
Waiting for You by Susanne Colasanti

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