Friday, September 3, 2010

Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala

Rand (full name Miranda, formerly known as Mandy) always lived in her sister Xanda's shadow. Now, she lives in the shadow of Xanda's death. Her sister was wild, loud, and captivating; Rand is alone, scared, and unsure about her life and her future. She wants to go to an arts school; her parents want her to consider business. Her boyfriend Kamran has been spending an awful lot of time with her so-called best friend. And then there's that whole positive pregnancy test thing...

I've wanted to get my hands on this book ever since I first saw the cover. I know you can't judge a book by one, but there's something so hauntingly perfect about the cover. (In the end, I actually ended up getting this as an eBook for my new eReader, and the cover didn't come through as much!) Rand had so much pain: her sister's death and the subsequent banning of anything Xanda-related from her parents' house, her artistic frustrations, boyfriend trouble, best friend trouble, former best friend trouble, mom issues, and now pregnancy. It's overwhelming, but rooted in a very real, character-driven way. The ending seemed a little bit too-neatly wrapped up, there it hinted at future struggles, and I could understand why Rand would just want to view everything in as positive a light as possible. I was surprised to see that this was Holly Cupala's first novel; I can't wait to read more.

Find it at IndieBound.

Read it with:
Zen and Xander Undone by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Snow Apples by Mary Razzell
I Am Not Emanuelle by Nadia Xerri-L
Would You by Marthe Jocelyn
Jumping Off Swings by Johanna Knowles

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