Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grampa and Julie: Shark Hunters by Jef Czekaj

Julie has her "What I did on my summer vacation" report all ready to go. It all started when she met up with her Grampa, an internationally - well, actually, a galactically known shark hunter. Through a series of adventures and misadventures they chase the largest shark in the world (also known as Stephen) through the ocean, the desert, the arctic, and even into outer space. Along the way they meet up with some helpful sea monkeys, cat shark hunters, some rapping sea castaways, and Julie's Grandmother, who has some tricks of her own up her sleeve. It's one summer that Julie definitely won't forget!

There's such a nice ridiculousness about this book. It's almost like Jef Czekaj was throwing darts at a wall full of plot points to see what would happen next (and events include a dance-off, a shark hunter convention, walking the plank, and stand-up comedy), but at the same time he clearly has such control over the story. It's often silly but always smart with clever puns and wordplay and visual jokes. This is such a great example of a story that parents and kids can read together, because it will work for both the child and the adult.

Find it at IndieBound.

Read it with:
Hip & Hop, Don't Stop by Jef Czekaj
The Biggest Bear in the World: As Told By Grandpa Kingsford by Julie Teel
Shark vs. Train by Chris Barton
Meanwhile by Jason Shiga
Meanwhile by Jules Feiffer

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