Scott Pilgrim is living exactly the life he wants to live. He's in a band, he lives with his best friend (yeah, they have to sleep in the same bed, but that's totally just a space issue), he's dating a cute girl, and at 23, he has his whole life ahead of him. Then he meets Ramona Flowers, and she changes everything. Scott learns that in order to be with her, he will have to defeat all of her seven evil exes. And he wants to be with her. So things are going to get interesting.
I will fully admit that I picked this up because of the upcoming movie (I'm a big fan of Michael Cera and am curious to see what he does with the role). I liked the storyline, I liked the artwork, I liked the concept, and I liked that it's recognizably set in the Toronto area.
Find it at IndieBound. Read it with:
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Blankets by Craig Thompson
Skim by Mariko Tamaki
I so want to read this, also bc of the Michael Cera movie.