As someone who did a lot of worrying as a little kid (and still is a pretty good worrier today), I'm glad to see that there are books that address children's worries. It's not always as easy as telling someone "oh, don't worry about it." Worries can also spiral until they're so big you can barely handle them. Having a book like this reassures children that worries are common and there are lots of other people who worry; it can also give them ideas for how to handle their worries, like trying to put their minds on other things, facing worries head-on, and telling people about what's worrying them.
I read a review copy at NetGalley courtesy of Tanglewood.
Find it at IndieBound.
Read it with:
The 10 PM Question by Kate De Goldi
Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
The Story Blanket by Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz
Big Rabbit's Bad Mood by Ramona Badescu
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